Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bennett's rock... and Colin Harris (guess which is which)

Colin Harris came to Bromont this week so we had a quick tour around. This is his last week at PMC-Sierra, he is retiring and will be working with a number of start-ups in and around Vancouver.

Colin reminded me of a story from the early days...

One of the HR Directors from Kanata came down for a celebration we were having and, coincidentally, he was thrown in a swimming pool (an astonishing number of bars had adjoining pools at the time). He made the mistake of taking off his wet clothes and piling them on a chair. Needless to say, his clothes disappeared instantly and he never found them. He drove back to Kanata at 3 in the morning, arrived at 6 am and had to run into the house in his wet underwear. Try explaining that to a loving wife.

Just for closure - the clothes were on the floor in the back seat of his car..


  1. That summer a lot of people ended up in the pool, including yourself. My favourite to this day is the wife of a co-worker who had the occasion to meet us for the first time at the bar at the Auberge Mont-Gale. As everyone was being heaved in the pool, she never suspected that she, being a relative stranger, would get heaved in as well. I still remember the shocked look on her face as she flew through the air, holding down her dress as she hit the water. BTW, how long did it take for your boots to dry out? ;) Gerry

    1. I remember on that occasion I was holding Gerry up in the air prior to launching him poolwards when someone behind me said, `'What the hell...' and gave me a push. Gerry lost a contact lens and I went in with my leather coat and boots (my only form of transport was a motorcycle at the time and I didn't have a lot of extra sets of clothes)

  2. Maybe Colin still has the Fabulous Green Wafer trophy
